Mission Brief:
I need you to collect the limo and his boy, Joey, from the garage. Then get Luigi from his club, come back here and pick me up, then well all drive over to the bosss place together.
Those Triads, they dont know when to stop. They want a war. They got a war. Now get going. |
Mission Hint:
So, Salvatore called a meeting huh. This is a tough mission if you dont think it through.
Once you have Joey, go pick up Luigi. Before you get to Toni though, make sure you park the Limo in a good position, I prefer to reverse it onto the blue marker so its pointing towards the docks.
Once Toni gets in, the Triads take after you in their vans. The easiest way is to floor it towards the docks, and take a left to go up the hill.
Instead of following the road towards Salvatores place, take it carefully towards the right after the rail station. This way you can go behind the row of buildings above the cliff, avoiding the fish vans blocking the entrance to Salvatores.
One thing to be carefull of though, if there is a Triad Van on your tail, he is likely to ram you off the cliff, so make sure either he overtakes you, or is far enough behind not to ram you.
Once the Limo is in the Garage, mission is over. |
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Hint submitted by viper
What I did was just head for the wall that blocks Salvatore's place from the outside world and used the better driving skills cheat. NO HASSEL!
Hint submitted by SMO
When you pick up Toni don't go right to Salvatores. Go back to Joey's. then from there drive the way to Salvatores. Because when you do that all the vans are gone along with most of the triads outside expept for the vans blocking the way. But to avoid the vans right when you get to the vans go to the right that way you just miss the vans after that one slight turn left and you are there.
Hint submitted by lazlo
ok want a street black everything proof limo? well, first enter the mission then go to joeys, but dont go into the blue makrer. instead, take a van, like the mule or something, and park it at a diagonal on the garage door. enter the speed up everything cheat, then sprint into the van and be touching the garage door, for some odd reason you will go through the wall, and there is the limo, but nothing can hurt it. enter it, BACKUP into the blue doors it seems it looks like blue doors, you go through them and go through about 30 seconds of a weird blue hellish kinda thing, then you will endup somehwere in portland, i dunno some kinda glitch or something, but you will have your limo and nothing can hurt it, no even running into a wall, but you say, "hey lazlo, i cant fit it in my garage" well dudes, punch in the dodo physics cheat and hop onto the callahan bridge, and fly across, zoom the sleek thing to the bomb shop in portland, take it your staunton hideout, activate the bomb, DONT LET THE GARAGE DOOR CLOSE, then it blows up, the mission fails, and you say, "hey lazlo, you blew up my limo" well dudes, just walk out of the garage, let the door close, then go back in, and boom. you got a really cool limo that nothing can hurt it, and it is one really cool bad-ass black color. also, dont take it to any pay & spray, first, there is no reason, and second it will get rid of the cool black color and turn it into a normal stretch color, and you wont be able to get the pure black color back. have fun, now everyone is saying, "thankyou lazlo, you are like a god!"
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